Observances & Recognition
2024-2025 School Year
The following dates and occasions are observed in a variety of ways as we strive to recognize and welcome staff, students, partners and community members.
Occasions included:
- Have a direct tie to schools and/or children or
- Are in appreciation of school staff or
- Promote cultural competency or
- Are Federal holidays or
- Are religious observances that may be important to staff or students, especially those that impact the school day - ie. students or staff may be absent, may be fasting, need time to pray, may wear special attire or symbols
April 2025
Arab American Heritage Month
Scottish-American Heritage Month
National Deaf History Month
National Occupational Therapy Month
National Poetry Month
School Library Month
World Autism Month
2- International Children’s Book Day
2- World Autism Awareness Day
3 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
5-11 - Week of the Young Child
7-11 - National Assistant Principal Week
10 - Eid-al-Fitr
12-20 - Passover
14 - Vaisakhi
18 - Good Friday
20 - Easter
20- First day of Ridva'n
21-25 - Public School Volunteer Week
22 - Earth Day
22-26 - National Student Leadership Week
23 - Administrative Professionals Day
March 2025
Women’s History Month
National Reading Month
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Gender Equality Month
Music in Our Schools Month
National Nutrition Month
Social Work Month
Youth Art Month
Greek American Heritage Month
Irish American Heritage Month
3-7 - National School Breakfast Week
5 - Ash Wednesday
5 - Lent Begins
7 - Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
8 - International Women’s Day
9 - Daylight Saving Time begins
13-14 - Purim
17 - St. Patrick's Day
21- NowRuz
20 - Spring Equinox
30 - Eid-al-Fitr
31 - Cesar Chavez Day
February 2025
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Children's Dental Health Month
3-7 - National School Counseling Week
12- Magha Puja
14 - Valentine’s Day
15-22 - National FFA Week
17 - Presidents’ Day
28 - Ramadan begins (thru March 30)
January 2025
1 - New Year's Day
4 - World Braille Day
20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
29 - Lunar New Year
School Board Recognition Month
December 2024
2 - Special Education Day
3 - Day of Persons with Disabilities
25 - Jan. 2 - Hanukkah
25 - Christmas
26-Jan 1 - Kwanzaa
31 - New Year's Eve
November 2024
Native American Heritage Month
Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Month
National Career Development Month
2- Birth of the Báb
3 - Daylight Saving Time Ends
5- Election Day
8 - National STEM/STEAM Day
11 - Veterans Day/Armistice Day
14 - World Diabetes Day
15 - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab
18-24 - Geography Awareness Week
20 - Education Support Professionals Day
21- National Parental Involvement Day
22- Substitute Educators Day
28 - Thanksgiving Day
October 2024
Czech Heritage Month
Italian-American Heritage Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Principals Month
2 - School Custodian Appreciation Day
2 - Child Health Day
2 - School Count Day in Michigan
2-4 - Rosh Hashanah
6 - National Instructional Coaches Day
6 - German-American Day
8-14 - Fire Prevention Week
11-12 - Yom Kippur
14- Indigenous People’s Day
14-18 - National School Lunch Week
21-25 - National School Bus Safety Week
23-25 - Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
30 - thru Nov. 3 - Diwali
31 - Halloween
September 2024
National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15)
National Suicide Prevention Month
4 - Labor Day
8 - International Literacy Day
9-13 - Arts in Education Week
17 - National Voter Registration Day
19 - National IT Professional Day
21 - International Day of Peace
23 - First day of Fall/Autumn
26 - Human Resources Professional Day
August 2024
July 2024
July 2024
French American Heritage Month
4 - Independence Day (U.S. Federal Holiday)
21- Asalha Puja Day (Dharma Day)
2023-24 School Year
June 2024
May 2024
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Haitian Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
National Speech-Language-Hearing Month
1-7 - National Physical Education and Sport Week
3 - School Lunch Hero Day
5 - Cinco de Mayo
6-10 - National Teacher Appreciation Week
7 - National Teacher Day
8 - National School Nurse Day
10 - School Communicators Day
18 - National Speech Pathologist Day
27 - Memorial Day (observed)
April 2024
Arab American Heritage Month
Scottish-American Heritage Month
National Deaf History Month
National Occupational Therapy Month
National Poetry Month
School Library Month
World Autism Month
1-5 - National Assistant Principal Week
2- International Children’s Book Day
2- World Autism Awareness Day
3 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
6-12 - Week of the Young Child
10 - Eid-al-Fitr
13 - Vaisakhi
20- First day of Ridva'n
22-30 - Passover
22-26 - Public School Volunteer Week
22 - Earth Day
22-26 - National Student Leadership Week
24 - Administrative Professionals Day
March 2024
Women’s History Month
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Gender Equality Month
Music in Our Schools Month
National Nutrition Month
Social Work Month
Youth Art Month
Greek American Heritage Month
Irish American Heritage Month
1 - Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
2 - Read Across America
4-8 - National School Breakfast Week
8 - International Women’s Day
10 - Ramadan begins (thru April 9)
10 - Daylight Saving Time begins
17 - St. Patrick's Day
19 - NowRuz
20 - Spring Equinox
23-24 - Purim
29 - Good Friday
31 - Easter
31 - Cesar Chavez Day
February 2024
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Children's Dental Health Month
5-9 - National School Counseling Week
10 - Lunar New Year
14 - Valentine’s Day
14 - Ash Wednesday
14 - Lent begins
17-24 - National FFA Week
19 - Presidents’ Day
24 - Magha Puja
January 2024
- January 1 - New Year's Day
- January 4 - World Braille Day
- January 15 - The King Holiday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
December 2023
December 2 - Special Education Day
December 3 - Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 7 - December 15 - Hanukkah
December 25 - Christmas
December 26 through January 1 - Kwanzaa
December 31 - New Year's Eve
November 2023
Native American Heritage Month
Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Month
National Career Development Month
November 5 - Daylight Saving Time Ends
November 7 - Election Day
November 8- National STEM/STEAM Day
November 11 - Veterans Day/Armistice Day
November 12 - Diwali
November 13-17 - Geography Awareness Week
November 14 - World Diabetes Day
November 15 - Education Support Professionals Day
November 16 - National Parental Involvement Day
November 18 - Substitute Educators Day
November 23 - Thanksgiving Day
November 27 - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab
October 2023
Czech Heritage Month
Italian-American Heritage Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Principals Month
2- School Custodian Appreciation Day
2 - Child Health Day
6- National Instructional Coaches Day
6 - German-American Day
6-8 - Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
8-14 - Fire Prevention Week
9 - Indigenous People’s Day
9-13 - National School Lunch Week
16-20 - National School Bus Safety Week
16 - Birth of the Bab
31 - Halloween
September 2023
Sept. 15 - Oct. 15 - National Hispanic Heritage Month
5 - Labor Day
8 - International Literacy Day
10-16 - Arts in Education Week
19 - National IT Professional Day
August 2023
July 2023
French American Heritage Month
4 - Independence Day
13 - Asalha Puja Day (Dharma Day)
2022-23 School Year
June 2023
May 2023
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Haitian Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
1-7 - National Physical Education and Sport Week
2 - National Teacher Day
5 - Cinco de Mayo
5 - School Lunch Hero Day
8-12 - National Educator Appreciation Week
10 - National School Nurse Day
12 - School Communicators Day
18 - National Speech Pathologist Day
30 - Memorial Day
April 2023
Arab American Heritage Month
Scottish-American Heritage Month
National Deaf History Month
National Occupational Therapy Month
National Poetry Month
School Library Month
World Autism Month
2- International Children’s Book Day
3-7 - Week of the Young Child
3-7 - National Assistant Principal Week
5 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
5-13 - Passover
7 - Good Friday
9 - Easter
14 - Vaisakhi
18-24 - Public School Volunteer Week
21 - Eid-al-Fitr
22 - Earth Day
23-29 - National Student Leadership Week
26 - Administrative Professionals Day
March 2023
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
Gender Equality Month
Music in Our Schools Month
National Nutrition Month
Social Work Month
Women’s History Month
Youth Art Month
Greek American Heritage Month
Irish American Heritage Month
February 22 through April 6 - Lent
2 - Read Across America
3 - Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
6 - Magha Puja
6-7 - Purim
6-10 - National School Breakfast Week
8 - International Women’s Day
21 - NowRuz
22 - First Day of Ramadan
February 2023
Black History Month
Career and Technical Education Month
Children's Dental Health Month
6-10 - National School Counseling Week
14 - Valentine’s Day
15 - National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
18-25 - National FFA Week
20 - Presidents’ Day
22 - National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
22 - Ash Wednesday
January 2023
Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
School Board Appreciation Month
1 - New Year’s Day
17 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
22 - Chinese New Year
December 2022
November 2022
Native American Heritage Month
Hunger & Homelessness Awareness
8 - National STEM/STEAM Day
8 - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurpurab (Sikh religious festival)
11 - Veterans Day/Armistice Day
15-19 - Geography Awareness Week
16 - Education Support Professionals Day
16 - National Parental Involvement Day
18 - Substitute Educators Day
24 - Thanksgiving Day
October 2022
Czech Heritage Month
Italian-American Heritage Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Principals Month
2- School Custodian Appreciation Day
3 - Child Health Day
4-5 - Yom Kippur
5- Start of Count Period/Count Day
6- National Instructional Coaches Day
6 - German-American Day
9-16 - Sukkot
9-15 - Fire Prevention Week
10 - Indigenous People’s Day
11-15 - National School Lunch Week
16-18 - Shemini Atzeret
17-18 - Simchat Torah
16-22 - America’s Safe Schools Week
18-22 - National School Bus Safety Week
24 - Diwali
25 - Birth of the Bab
31 - Halloween
September 2022
- September 8 - International Literacy Day
- September 11-17 - Arts in Education Week
- September 15-October 15 - National Hispanic Heritage Month
- September 20 - National IT Professional Day
- September 21 - International Day of Peace
- September 25-27 - Rosh Hashanah
- September 26 - First day of Navaratri