KCTC and MySchoolatKent recognized by state technical center

Kent ISD is proud to announce that the Kent Career Tech Center has been recognized by the MiMTSS Technical Assistance Center at the Bronze Level for our leadership in supporting local educators to implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).
By implementing MTSS, we enhance the consistency of effective instruction, expand staff knowledge and skills to equitably support all learners, use data to proactively identify and provide support for students, and cultivate a positive culture that nurtures relationships with students, families, and communities. This strong foundation helps learners gain the skills needed to achieve their life goals!
Also, Kent ISD earned the MTSS Data Utilization award for collecting and using the Regional Capacity Assessment during 2023-2024
KCTC and MySchool@Kent also earned the MTSS Data Utilization award for collecting and using Behavior MTSS fidelity data. Godwin Heights Early Childhood Center: Early Childhood PBIS was also recognized for School Data Utilization.