Coaching & Consultation
Kent ISD Special Education provides coaching and/or consultation for:
- Autism - Support for Students and Autism/ECSE Programming
- Behavior - Support for Students and EI/ECSE Programming
- Specially Designed Instruction - Support for Students and Resource/CI Programming
To see the Member District Action Planning and Capacity Building description in full, see this document.
Requests for Coaching & Consultation
Definitions of Services
- Director Level Request
- Defined Kent ISD District Action Planning and Capacity Building process
- Action Planning and Goal Setting, aligned to high quality program guides
- Longer terms of four or more weeks
- Facilitating, modeling, partnering/walking alongside district/team to build capacity
- Data collection and progress monitoring (required)
- Kent ISD Interdepartmental collaboration encourage as needed and as part of the Agreement to Collaborate identified goals
- Moving district towards fidelity of implementation
- Expansion plan provided for district's continued growth
- Post evaluation included as part of the process
- Multiple sources of request
- Immediate and Short Term (1-3x)
- Typically involves 1-2 observations with follow up and recommendations provided
- Team implementation without coach/consultation support
- Examples: behavioral observation, SETT, FBA & PBSP with observation and team engagement, facilitating consultation around assessment
Technical Assistance:
- Multiple sources of request
- Does not require observation, team support, or formalized consultation
- Response to a specific request
- Typically involves providing step-by-step guidance
- Examples: professional development/office hours providing resources, IEP support or SCAP from GSM, FBA & PBSP review
- Response to specific request
- Individual Student Evaluation
- REED required
- Examples: contentious situation with specific request, low incident request due to expertise needed (AT/AAC)